Sychamis - About Me

I'm sychamis, and I'm 17 year-old from France. I have autism and adhd, keep that in mind if you interact with me!

I'm passionate with computers and coding since I started scratch when I was 7, although I began coding in textual languages only a few years later. I'm decent in Python and Javascript, and I am looking to learn lower-level languages such as C and 6502 assembly. I'm studying computer science in college as it's the only thing that kept me hooked at school.

I enjoy chiptune music and make some myself. The youtube alorithm dragged me into this when I was younger, I guess it is the one thing I can thank them for. Although I like most kinds of chiptune, my main focus is 8-bit era chips (like the SID, the 2A03/2A07 and the AY-89xx) and demoscene-influenced chiptune. I'm currently only making SID music, but I'd like to experiment with the other ones as well as FM chips.

I've been a linux user for a few years already. I started familiarizing in high-school CS classes where we didn't use windows. I began using it seriously in 2023 as I became tired of the systematic bloat on windows and started to be more mindful about privacy. I also dropped chrome for firefox + uBO and brave at that time. My operating system of choice is linux manjaro with gnome, a friend recommended it to me and I found it quite enjoyable to use as my past experience with windows made me feel more comfortable using gui interfaces rather than the terminal, even though I learned to use it at school.

Other info:

My pronouns are he/him or they/them, I don't have a preference so feel free to choose :D

Also you can call me sycha for short.